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Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, continually providing users with access to new opportunities. The convenience of accessing instant information on the Internet has become an absolute necessity. Among these conveniences, we have voice search, which we’ve already mentioned. Increasingly, instead of typing in search terms, we use tools like Alexa or Siri. If you own a website, it’s essential to ensure its proper optimization for voice search. What exactly is voice search, how does it work, and how can we enable or disable it? We’ll answer these questions below.

Voice Search

In a nutshell, voice search is a technology that relies on natural speech recognition, enabling users to initiate searches through voice commands. This service can be accessed through smartphones and other Internet-enabled devices.


Virtual Voice Assistants

The concept of virtual intelligence serving as a user’s assistant was first introduced by Google in 2008, and Apple presented its solution in 2011.

As most devices offering voice search use this technology, we most often encounter the following virtual assistants:

  • Siri (Apple) – As you can easily guess, it operates on products from the company with the iconic bitten apple logo. These include smart TVs, speakers, iPhones, and other Apple devices.
  • Alexa (Amazon) – Amazon’s assistant is noteworthy for being largely based on the Polish speech synthesizer known as Ivona, which Amazon acquired in 2013. It was first used in the Amazon Echo smart speaker.
  • Cortana (Microsoft) – Cortana is not limited to a specific operating system; it works on most devices running Microsoft products and can also integrate with Alexa.
  • Google Assistant – This virtual assistant offers voice search capabilities in Google-related products, including Google smart speakers, Android smartphones, and other Google devices.


Voice Search Devices

We can access voice assistant technology through various devices, with smartphones being the most popular choice. However, dedicated hardware is not the only option for voice search. It’s made possible by the following devices:

  • Smartphones and tablets (the most popular choice).
  • Laptops and computers.
  • Car navigations.
  • Smartwatches and smartbands.
  • TVs and remote controls.
  • Use of Voice Search

Voice search serves various purposes and is primarily used when we need quick information or want to check something specific. According to statistics, people commonly use this form of search for:

  • Managing smart homes.
  • Making transportation reservations.
  • Ordering food.
  • Creating shopping lists.
  • Searching for, purchasing, and listening to e-books or audiobooks.


Examples of Google Assistant Commands

Siri and Google Assistant are the most popular voice search and management technologies. By saying the command “OK Google” or clicking on the microphone, we can ask questions or give other types of commands.

Some common commands include:

  • “Wake me up at…”
  • “Where is the nearest…”
  • “What is the weather like?”
  • “Call/write to…”
  • “Launch…”
  • “Navigate to…”

If you want to explore the capabilities of this tool further, simply ask, “What can you do?” After such a command, Google Assistant will present its functions. Interestingly, you can even have it sing a particular song, tell a joke, or recite a poem.


Voice Search Optimization

As voice search gained popularity, predictions emerged that it would completely change the way content is positioned and render previous SEO efforts irrelevant. Now that voice search has been with us for some time, we can see that modifications have occurred, but they are not as drastic as initially announced. Nevertheless, optimizing our site for voice searches can still be beneficial.


What Else Is Worth Paying Attention To?

  • Loading speed: It affects both technical aspects and search engine rankings and is crucial for the audience’s experience.
  • Responsiveness of the site: Given that a significant percentage of users access websites via smartphones, this is of utmost importance.
  • Structured data: It helps describe and categorize the types of content on the site.


Data Security

Voice search tools may raise concerns among some Internet users. To alleviate such concerns, it’s essential to familiarize ourselves with the privacy policy and general security guidelines for such applications or any other type of technology. From the developers of a specific tool, we should obtain information regarding the data it collects, storage duration, purpose, data sharing with third parties, and whether the data transmitted is encrypted to enhance security. This information is worth checking, especially for new solutions. For well-established tools, you’re likely to find multiple reviews.


Basic Advantages and Disadvantages of Voice Search

There are several advantages associated with using voice search and voice management technology:


  • Convenience: You don’t need to reach for your phone, allowing you to stay engaged in your current activity.
  • Spelling: The tool should recognize incorrect wording, reducing spelling errors.
  • Faster search process: A simple command like “OK Google, how to find…” initiates quick searches.
  • Greater access: It benefits people who can’t write by hand or those who prefer creating spoken notes actively.


  • Command interruptions: Sometimes the assistant shuts down before you finish speaking the entire command.
  • Difficulty in understanding and executing commands: Unconventional vocabulary, tone of voice, and background noise may challenge the assistant’s ability to comprehend and execute commands.



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  • Marcin Kozłowski

    Marcin is an experienced front-end developer and leader of one of our custom software teams. In his work he cares about delivering high-quality web solutions for our clients, based on technologies such as Javascript, typescript, HTML, and CSS, mainly using the Vue.js framework and react.js library. In his free time, he enjoys playing console games and basketball.

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Marcin Kozłowski

Marcin is an experienced front-end developer and leader of one of our custom software teams. In his work he cares about delivering high-quality web solutions for our clients, based on technologies such as Javascript, typescript, HTML, and CSS, mainly using the Vue.js framework and react.js library. In his free time, he enjoys playing console games and basketball.


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